What you are about to read is pretty graphic.
I’m sure it’s hard to read. At times, it was hard to write. It’s not an easy thing: to torture a metaphor to death.
I was almost at the point of walking away from this article when I heard John 3:16 ringing in my memory: “For Kitty so loved the world, that she gave one of her favorite movies, that whosoever believeth in her should not go broke, but have eternal cash.”
If you have not seen The Shawshank Redemption, I have two questions and one command.
- The first question: are you some kind of Alexandreeey Dumbass?
- The second question: how did you get from 1997 to the present without watching cable television during daylight hours?
- The command: go watch The Shawshank Redemption! Only after you’ve done so are you allowed to return here and continue on.
One hundred and forty-two minutes of narration by Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman) is the necessary prep work you need to open your heart and expand your mind.
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