Hail, Bitch Nation! (I hope you’re warming up to your collective nickname because this humble and retiring blogger certainly enjoys the hell out of it.) We come to you today with an announcement: we, the Bitches, are going on a brief two-week hiatus. A summer vacation, if you will.

State of the Blog, 2017
Since Kitty and I launched Bitches Get Riches in January, we have learned many things.
For one, we’ve learned we really fucking suck at setting goals. By which I mean: we have surpassed all of our blog traffic goals to such a staggeringly laughable extent that we’re kind of worried some Russian computer hacker with a particularly cruel sense of humor is pranking us.
Which is both humbling and ego-boosting. Apparently we are really cool and popular. Someone please inform our past teenage selves that this day has finally come.
Accomplishments and goals
In the last six months, we’ve received the accolades and support we so richly deserve. We’ve been featured on Rockstar Finance (twice), we’re syndicated on The Financial Diet, and we were interviewed on Bad With Money With Gaby Dunn. And somehow through this all, no one has really noticed that we have no idea what the hell we’re doing! Neat, right?
We’ve also been welcomed with open arms into a community of badass finance bloggers so generous and kind that I’m genuinely concerned we’re being scouted for a cult. Seriously you guys, where do you get off being so—what’s the word?—nice? Supportive? It’s unhealthy. Get help. We expect your hearts to be 40% more hardened and calcified upon our return.
And when we do make our triumphant return from hiatus, it will be with even more the same amount of bitchy, foul-mouthed, sardonic, juvenile, tasteless, irreverent content about the global economy and personal finance you’ve come to expect from us. Because that is our mission and we take it very fucking seriously.
But why a hiatus???
But fear not, my impressive and independent impalas. We’re not abandoning you forever on this hiatus. Mommy and Mommy are not getting a divorce and none of this is your fault. We just have some very important margarita-drinking and sun-lounging to do for awhile.
And once we’ve gotten our fill of lazing about on feather pillows, surrounded by toned and tanned cabana boys as they fan us with palm fronds and feed us wine and grapes…

I promise we’ll be back. Here’s how you can keep yourselves occupied in the meantime.
The Bitches Get Riches Summer Hiatus 2017 Required Reading List
You guys have so much reading to do while we’re on hiatus. There will be a test. It’s pass/fail, so study hard, my darlings.
- How to Grow the Fuck Up: Literally our Internet Mom. And she can be yours too!
- Feminist Financier: Ok so this is our other Internet Mom and she’s gonna learn you some money management skills through a feminist lens!
- Her First $100K: We have basically adopted Tori as our baby sister (LISTEN THIS INTERNET FAMILY IS GETTING REAL CROWDED). And I’m pretty sure she knows more about useful business practices than we do.
- Mixed Up Money: Alyssa is basically the gold standard in personal finance blogging as far as we’re concerned. Plus she’s Canadian. So exotic!
- Bad With Money With Gaby Dunn: Listen you guys. Gaby Dunn is the best and we 1000% support her goal of understanding everything about financial stuff while simultaneously smashing the patriarchy.
- Throwing Shade: Listen to Erin and Bryan talk about all things ridiculous and you won’t even miss us while we’re on hiatus.
- Revisionist History: Malcolm Gladwell is totally stealing our whole complain-about-an-inefficient-or-unjust-thing-and-also-The-Economy™ motif and it’s making me very angry, you guys. And yes, he talks about the bloated money suck that is the American university.
- Death, Sex & Money: Anna Sale’s wonderful, eclectic series on social taboos just covered student loans. And guys? It. Was. Incredible. It’s utterly refreshing to hear such frank discussion of the shame, denial, and despair felt by so many debtors. I would pay Anna $500 an hour to say the word “yeah” to me in her painfully compassionate tones.
- Women Killing It!: It’s like they made a podcast just for us and all our #fabulousfemalefinancialfriends!
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander: The phrase “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention” as a book. Yeah… we don’t understand how to recommend light summer reading. Enjoy!
- The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder: I learned so damn much from reading about the (long) life and times of unimaginative eater and completely unremarkable Omaha resident Warren Buffett. You should too.
- Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry: If you haven’t noticed, we kiiiiind of have a collective girl crush on Erin Lowry of Broke Millennial. Her book is a thorough, exhausting primer on money management for beginners starting from scratch.
- Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer: The phrase “If you’re not angry, you’re about to be so let’s grab our molotov cocktails and start a goddamn revolution because when it comes, the Koch brothers will be the first against the wall VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN” as a book.
- End Financial Stress Now: Immediate Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Financial Outlook by Emily Guy Birken: Your financial friend and mine, Emily Guy Birken, is about to save you a lot of money on therapy (not to mention yoga) by putting all that worrying-about-money to rest.
We heartily endorse all of the above content for your summer edutainment.
The hiatus will be over before you know it!
If you want to support the Bitches during our summer hiatus, the best way to do that is to subscribe to our email list (right over there in the sidebar!) or become our patron on Patreon. At this time, there’s not a stitch of advertising on Bitches Get Riches, so we depend 100% on donations to keep this old girl alive.
You can also follow us on Twitter or Tumblr or Instagram for still more dick jokes and dumb gifs.
Bye y’all! Try not to miss us too much.

Enjoy your vacation and thanks for the homework 😉
Why thank you! Study hard!
Noooo I just discovered you guys and started following!! Who will I get all my foul mouthed humor from now? I guess your first Internet Mom, it looks like 🙂
But seriously, awesome book suggestions! I’ve been eyeing that New Jim Crow book – did you see Ava Duvernay’s documentary ’13TH’? Ugh, blood-boiling and also astonishing.
How do you get syndicated to TFD btw?!
Fear not, my darling! We shall return in two weeks. And “13th” sounds TERRIFYING and is definitely on my to-watch list…
TFD reached out to us about syndication a couple months after we launched. And we went “Squee!” to each other for a bit before trying to play it very cool while saying yes. 🙂 I suggest you reach out to them! Contact info is on their site.
Looks like I have a list of new blogs to explore. Enjoy your time off, ladies!
Why thanks! We certainly intend to. 😉
Wooo! Enjoy yourselves.
And holy shit you guys are both mother effin bosses who deserve all the praise and success you’ve had. Get used to the support
Felicity, you are one of our OG Internet Friends. We owe it all to you!
Two weeks with no BGR?????? That makes me sad, but you ladies deserve all the vacay you want.
I will be the first in line for a bitch nation tshirt. Thank you for including me on your summer reading list.
(jots a note about T-shirts) eeeeeexcellent…
I’ll rock it even if it’s pink. IDGAF.
Wait, what? Ummmm….Ok. Have a (sob) good time. (whimper) I’ll be fine. (sob) No, no. Go. It’s good for you two to have adult time. (deep inhale) Alright. I’m good now. Nice list, bitches! Have an amazing time. Oh, and have fun detoxing from your media addiction. (wink) Betcha $10 you’ll at least stalk your PF on Twitter. I had to post once in order to relax!
And yeah I’ve spent all day on Twitter being like “Must… not… post!” This is going to be hard.
Enjoy your well deserved retreat ladies and huge congrats on the amazing success this year! Can’t wait to read more of your bitchy content soon.
Enjoy!! And, I can only imagine what you come back with.
You deserve this and more…so on your way you go! Nope, not even tryin’ to rhyme…oops!
Come back tanner and wiser. Or just tanner, either way’s fine I guess.
Have fun on the summer vacation.