{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Investing for Beginners

Long after the Cataclysm, when the Reavers stalked the Land and life in the Before Times was but a distant memory, there were those who sought to understand the past. They sifted through the rubble of long-forgotten cities, searching for clues to the life of prosperity and ease their ancestors had enjoyed.

Ticker tape was found, and a dusty DVD of The Wolf of Wall Street. These artifacts were carefully preserved and venerated, mystics and scholars studying them to unravel the Deep Mysteries. There was a ritual known as “investing,” which took place in a temple called “the stock market” and bestowed upon the masses “dividends.” Could this be the key to the prosperity and opulence of their ancestors?

Only time would tell.

But there were some who remembered the Wysdom of Thee Bitches. You could hear these cultists crying out in the darkness, amidst their nightly rituals, “It’s about time IN the market! Not timING the market!” as they cackled and danced.

It’s been said you can’t save your way to financial independence—you have to invest your way there. But investing in the stock market seems like a complicated, daunting practice reserved for rich people and the bebuttsticked class. In the articles below, we attempt to demystify investing into something everyone can—and should—do.

Investing for beginners

Read on for our collected wisdom on investing for beginners.

Fundamentals of investing:

Investing Deathmatch series:

Now that we’ve covered the basics, are you ready to invest but don’t know where to begin? We recommend starting small with micro-investing through our partner Acorns. They’ll round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invest the change in a nicely diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and ETFs. Easy as eating pancakes:

Alternative investments:

Understanding the stock market:

Retirement plans:

Got a retirement plan already? How about three or four? Have you been leaving a trail of abandoned 401(k)s behind you at every employer you quit? Did we just become best friends? Because that was literally my story until recently. Our partner Capitalize will help you quickly and painlessly get through a 401(k) rollover:


And that’s what we’ve written on investing so far! If there’s a topic we haven’t yet covered, like any good cover artist we absolutely take requests.

We’ll periodically update this list with new articles. And by “periodically” I mean “when we remember that it’s something we forgot to do for months at a time.” You’re welcome.

2 thoughts to “{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Investing for Beginners”

  1. I would be interested in an article about financial advisors and planners.

    I’ve been doing some of my own research and talking with friends that have financials planners and the info I’ve gotten is all over the place. It’s a daunting space to try to enter– sounds like all the fees are negotiable and that initial meetings could be free, or at some fixed cost. But the websites for those places have such wide ranges of costs and minimum investment amounts. Some describe their ideal clients in terms that make my jaw drop and re-evaluate if professional planners are just for people with stupid amounts of money rather than the everyday woman. How do you know if what you’re doing on your own investment planning is good enough, and when do expert planners/paid for advice really make the most sense?

    Is this a luxury to be thinking about just offloading financial worries and plans to someone else? And what if I’m looking for for someone to do research for me and then I can make the decisions about my investment options and plans? Is that even a model that exists in the CFA/CFP world??? Or do I need to just suck it up and trust my research is good for making financial planning decisions?

    Mostly I think this comes down to trying to figure out how much of my motivation is coming from “I’ve internalize social messaging BS regarding that the stock market and investment game is hard” versus experts can have good ideas or valuable perspectives that I should know about and that could be helpful in understanding what my options are.

    1. Hey Jess, I guess what you’re saying is that sometimes the fees for financial advisors makes it seem like some of them are just there to make the rich people richer.

      I did a bunch of research into this when I was considering a career change and this is what made me turn to financial coaching instead (I’m based ‘Down Under’ though). If you’re happy to just learn what your financial options are and make your own decisions/implement it yourself, maybe try a financial coach instead? They’re like a PT but for your finances.

      Consulting with experts can definitely bring you ideas or ways of doing things you’d never think of. They also have the benefit of experience, like if they’ve dealt with a bunch of other clients your age or who have the same goals, etc. Financial planners can help with topics that get technical, like estate planning, tax rules and structures, or insurance products. If it’s just straightforward “learning about investing and the stock market” then there are tons of great podcasts, blogs, Youtubers, Facebook groups out there.

      If you do want to see a financial planner, try go for someone who is paid fee-for-service basis (so financial incentives are aligned with your best interests and wealth profile) and who you can connect with on a human level. Good luck!

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